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Arts in Action
Urgencies in Art
and Art Education

8 - 10 June 2022
University of Agder,
Kristiansand, Norway 

The International Arts in Context Symposium

Three Days of Sharing in the Arts
8 - 10 June 2022
How can art make a difference in a contemporary world dominated by complex and intense political, economic, environmental challenges and conflicts? What can happen if art and arts education become dominated by a socio-political rationale? 


The interdisciplinary research platform Arts in Context (KiK) at the Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Agder (UiA), in collaboration with Fluks - Centre for Young Art (UiA) and ArtEZ University of the Arts invite artists, art educators and researchers within – and across – the disciplines of music, theatre and visual arts to share their practices and research agendas in relation to these questions. 


For three days we will investigate how we can maintain the integrity of art production, art education and research - while simultaneously act in globally responsible and ethical manners. Contributions from symposium participants will act as points of departures to shed light on the possibilities in art and art education engaging with contemporary urgencies and changes in comprehensions, attitudes and behaviours to such agendas. The symposium will also explore the potential pitfalls of instrumentalisation and hence marginalisation of the arts as meer tools that deliver on other social aims.


The symposium will challenge regular formats of conferences and symposia by using University campus surroundings and the city of Kristiansand as venues: parts of the symposium will take place in the forest within a short walking distance from UiA. Both the tribune and the hike offer opportunities for discussions and explorations related to people and surroundings. Hence dialogues will emerge and new understandings will be gained between humans and the environment. 

The Conference

Invited Guests & Speakers

Contributions from international artists, researchers and educators
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Pelle Brage (b 1978) is a Danish artist who lives and works in Kristiansand. His art is often community based, inviting people to join in. In April-May 2022 his artwork The Battlefield of Art (2022) will take place in the city center of Kristiansand inviting people to discuss, make and deconstruct art in public. The Inflatable Museum by JAM – Pelle Brage was made in 2021 with the support from the Cultiva Foundation, and was on tour various places in Kristiansand aiming to bring art to the people, and in particular to people who don't usually visit museums. The Inflatable Museum will be placed on the Campus lawn during the symposium days and will serve as the Arts in Action artwork.


See more of Brages art projects here:


Call for contributions

Symposium participants are encouraged to relate their contributions to the following questions or similar issues. Additionally we aim to develop further relevant questions from our contributors.


  • How do artists, art-educators and -researchers relate their practices to urgencies of the world? 

  • How can art, democracy and politics interconnect in aesthetically and sustainable ways? 

  • How are autonomy and instrumental justifications of the arts reflected in our practices?

  • How are artists and art educators affected when inclusion, participation and outreach become the cultural policy?


Contributions may be related to one of four research groups within the KiK platform: Art and Conflict, Art and Social Relations, Art and Young People and Reconfiguring Early Modern Performance. The research groups are responsible for the parallel sessions in the symposium.


Art in Context (KiK) is one of two research platforms at Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Agder, and comprise four different research groups and one PhD specialization. 



Some contributions may be invited to publish in the journal and platform APRIA (ArtEZ Platform for Research Interventions of the Arts)





Wednesday June 8: UiA / City Centre / Odderøya

Thursday, June 9: UiA / City Centre

Friday, June 10: UiA / Vaffelbua (in the Woods)

The Symposium artwork, The Inflatable Museum by Pelle Brage, will be open all three days of the event


Symposium Partners

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Past Events

About // Information

Scientific committee

Lisbet Skregelid

Department of Visual Art and Drama // Faculty of Fine Arts - University of Agder


Randi Margrethe Eidsaa

Department of Music // Faculty of Fine Arts - University of Agder


Siemke Böhnisch

Department of Visual Art and Drama // Faculty of Fine Arts - University of Agder


Tony Valberg

Department of Music // Faculty of Fine Arts - University of Agder


Helene Illeris

Department of Visual Art and Drama // Faculty of Fine Arts - University of Agder

Robin André Rolfhamre

Department of Music // Faculty of Fine Arts - University of Agder

Organising committee

Lisbet Skregelid

Department of Visual Art and Drama // Faculty of Fine Arts - University of Agder


Randi Margrethe Eidsaa

Department of Music // Faculty of Fine Arts - University of Agder


Inger Margrethe Stoveland

Fluks - Centre for Young Art // Faculty of Fine Arts - University of Agder


Lene Dalgård 

Sørlandet Art Museum 



Conference fee:
Regular fee - NOK 1500
Artists and students - NOK 1000

Registration by 19. April

The University of Agder has an agreement with Scandic Hotel Bystranda in Kristiansand. 

Price pr room, pr night: NOK 1.320,-

Booking code: BUNI070622



Campus Kristiansand
Universitetsveien 25
4630 Kristiansand

Tel: +47 38 14 10 00


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Banner photo: "Cleo's Future" by Jeppe Kristensen // Photo: Christine Helland

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